Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Houston Music Scene = OxyMoron???

Geez, it's been forever, but as they say, "get busy livin' or get busy dyin'." Hope you missed me as much as I missed you...ummmmm, yeah.

Nothing really mind-blowing in this post. Sorry kids, the brain's a little fried right now. BUT, there's a very promising show coming up in the Houston area, and I feel compelled to spread the word and convert you nonbelievers, because what better way to breed peace and love than by forcing your beliefs down others' throats? d(^_^)

Sept 12 @ Walters- Holy Fuck ft. Indian Jewelry

Holy Fuck was possibly my favorite find at SXSW, apart from Local Natives, but that's neither here nor there (nor anywhere. I do not like green eggs and-damn you, digression). They are an instrumental improvisational electronica band that uses makeshift equipment setups to make badass tunes. When they shoot toy laser guns at the audience, only to have their sounds amplified and woven into the existing complexity of their sound-wow, just wow.
Indian Jewelry is fairly newer to the scene. His sound is selectively distorted and much of the lyrics are unintelligible, so I'd say he fits right in with the raging Lo-Fi Chillwave phenomena that sets hipster toes-a-tapping. It's hard to describe him from a blank state, so I'll just take the easy way out and call him a livelier, more instrument-friendly Washed Out. Laziness for the win! (I spell it out because up until recently I associated 'FTW' with 'Fuck the World.' Easy mistake.)

Holy Fuck "Lovely Allen"

Indian Jewelry "Oceans"

Oh, and one last thing. I get asked why I don't plug for local artists on here. In a nutshell, it's because I think the Houston music scene completely blows. With the exception of Robert Ellis, he rocks, and he's moderately attractive, which really has no bearing on how I like his music, but it makes the concert a much more pleasurable experience. There, stick that plug where the sun don't shine. Don't hate. This is my blog, in which I am god, sort of. I'd really only want to be a lesser god anyway, not a big fan of responsibility.

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